Una grande impresa
Una grande impresa
Umberto Nobile e Roald Amundsen, two fates tied to the pole
A Great Feat, a journey through the history of polar exploration to understand the exploits and challenges faced by these iconic explorers. With a foreword written by Rossano Sergio Boglione, mayor of Lauro, and contributions from Museum Director Umberto Nobile, this book is essential reading for anyone interested in the history of exploration, polar science and the extraordinary lives of these two men.
The book was previewed to the public at the G. Nicelli Lido of Venice on September 23, 2023
Antonio Ventre
Elena Degl’Innocenti
Antonio Ventre
Sandy Miranceli
Francesca Di Croce
Max Pinucci
Caterina Cantone
Marco Ferracci
Museo Umberto Nobile, Lauro
Ufficio Storico Stato Maggiore AM
Italian Umberto Nobile and Norwegian Roald Amundsen were extraordinary explorers and pioneers. Described in the book as “two destinies linked to the Pole,” Nobile and Amundsen shared the ability to achieve ambitions and dreams that seemed unattainable, and sometimes insane.
The dream of reaching the North Pole by air was realized when the combination of Amundsen’s experience and Nobile’s aeronautical ingenuity resulted in the overflight of the North Pole by the airship Norge on May 12, 1926. The immense success of this affair is still engaging and inspiring today.
The two figures, often presented in contrast, are here seen in the light of their common aspirations, their shared love of exploration and science; only in the light of this communion of purpose can we understand their true inner relationship and explain the unifying tragic nature of their fates.
Rossano Sergio Boglione
Mayor of Lauro

Explore the Story of Umberto Nobile and Roald Amundsen
Discover in our book the fascinating biographies of Umberto Nobile and Roald Amundsen, two pioneers of polar exploration. This detailed publication not only celebrates their historic polar exploits, but also sheds light on their unique characters, challenges they encountered, and the deep connection they shared with science and adventure.
Umberto Nobile
An Icon who owes his birthplace to the town of Lauro, now home to a museum dedicated to him.. Museo U. Nobile
Immerse yourself in the story of Umberto Nobile, from his childhood in Lauro to his legendary polar expeditions. Learn about Nobile’s contributions to science and exploration and his lasting impact on the field of aeronautics.
Roald Amundsen
The Norwegian Pioneer – This book explores the details of his expeditions and his seminal contribution to the understanding of polar landscapes.
A Deep Connection:
Amundsen and Noble – Despite their different backgrounds and paths, they shared a common passion for exploration and science. This book reveals how their lives intertwined and how they influenced each other’s careers.
Key Words: Umberto Nobile, Roald Amundsen, Polar Exploration, Historical Biography, Lauro, South Pole Expeditions, Aeronautics History, Polar Science, Exploration History, Nobile Museum, Amundsen’s Voyages, Italian Explorers, Norwegian Explorers, Adventure Biographies, Polar Expeditions
Parole Chiave: Umberto Nobile, Roald Amundsen, Esplorazione Polare, Biografia Storica, Lauro, Spedizioni Polo Sud, Storia dell’Aeronautica, Scienza Polare, Storia dell’Esplorazione, Museo Nobile, Viaggi di Amundsen, Esploratori Italiani, Esploratori Norvegesi, Biografie d’Avventura, Spedizioni Polari.